What happens in a Jungle Cacao Peru cacao circle?
The cacao circles I offer are very down to earth and simple: they are a space for us to come together and connect with ourselves and others in community more deeply – and of course, to connect with awareness and reverence with the beautiful medicine of cacao.
(I do not follow or pretend to follow a specific lineage, hence why I call these cacao circles and not cacao ceremonies.
My knowledge of cacao is based on my experiences in the jungle learning from cacao growers and through my own personal connection with cacao since 2020).
We begin with a short, grounding meditation to bring us into the space and into ourselves.
Next, we connect with cacao in stillness and silence, setting any intentions if we so wish.
I then open up the space for us to share, or not share, whatever we would like to.
Depending on time and numbers in the group, I will put on a music mix and we can use this time and space however we feel: whether we can to dance, journal, rest, draw, or whatever else. This is your time to be with cacao and yourself how you want to.
We close the space with another short meditation together.