How to make a banging cup of ceremonial cacao


There are so many ways to make cacao... the ancient Mayans - for who cacao was a sacred plant integral to their rituals and even trade - used to pour the cacao back and forth between cups from a height to make the final drink super frothy.

But here’s how I make mine on a daily basis:

Finely chop up 25g of cacao and add to a saucepan with a small amount of boiling water in it.

With a fork or whisk, whisk the cacao until it has all melted and is silky smooth.

Next, add a mug’s worth (250ml) of boiled water to the cacao. Bring to the boil and add any form of sweetener or milk.

Let some of the water boil away if you want the cacao thicker - or add less water next time.

To make your cacao extra potent, hover your hands over the saucepan and infuse the cacao with the energy of your intention.

Other stuff you can add to your cacao to make it more magical- cayenne pepper, vanilla, rose water, date syrup, fresh ginger... get creative!

If you want your cacao extra smooth and creamy, add to a liquidiser and blitz for a few seconds.

Serve in a favourite mug and savour with mindfulness and gratitude.

Cacao after care (more relevant if you’ve made a ceremonial dose of 40g):

Drink lots of water throughout the ceremony and after. I like herbal tea too, especially chamomile for an easy “come down”.

I tend to also crave salty foods and protein after cacao, so I recommend this too.

Listen to your body and mind- you might need rest or to release energy through dance or a walk.

Important information before consuming cacao:

If you’re on antidepressants, are pregnant or breastfeeding or have a heart condition, we recommend consuming a lower dose of cacao or checking with a medical professional before consuming.

Jungle Cacao Peru
Peruvian Cacao from the Amazon

The Body Love Babe
Body Love Coaching


Time to get real. About cacao, connection and cross cultural relationships.